Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati



[Selection of Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati's publications on general topics]


[Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati at work]

 ↓ref.            ↓full text
2020 “'I'm again not doing well...'” (with Giorgio Buccellati)
2019 “Urkesh Ceramic Evidence for Function and Emulation Processes”
2017 “Archaeology for a Young Future” (with Giorgio Buccellati)
2016 Georgia Paese d'oro e di fede. Identità e alterità nella storia di un popolo”
2016 The Urkesh Ceramics Digital Book
2009 “The Great Temple Terrace at Urkesh and the Lions of Tish-atal” (with Giorgio Buccellati)
2003 “Tell Mozan (Ancient Urkesh)”
1998 “The Workshops of Urkesh” (with Giorgio Buccellati)
1997 “History of the Field: Archaeology in Syria”
1996 “Seals in Ancient Mesopotamia and Seals of God in Revelation”
1996 “Nuzi Viewed from Urkesh, Urkesh Viewed from Nuzi”
1995-1996 “The Royal Storehouse of Urkesh” (with Giorgio Buccellati)
1990 “A New Third Millennium Sculpture from Mozan”
1986 “Insight Through Images” (ed. with P. Matthiae and M. Van Loon)
1986 “Sealing Practices at Terqa”
1986 “The Glory of Ancient Syria” (with Giorgio Buccellati)
1983 “Figurines and Plaques from Terqa”
1978 IIMAS Field Encoding Manual (with Giorgio Buccellati)
1977 “Syro-Mesopotamian Studies: A Preface” (with Giorgio Buccellati)
1973 “Statistics in Archaeology and Its Application to Ancient Near Eastern Data” (with S. Elster)
1971 “Ma sua moglie guardò indietro... (Gen. 19:26)” (with Giorgio Buccellati)
2024 2021 Balzan Prize for Art and Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, Milano: Fondazione Internazionale Balzan [] (with Giorgio Buccellati)

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